
Hey guys....

In last post I ended with the note on that ultimate source of energy is sunlight and plant plays vital role in conversion of energy. The logic is very simple,we can not use Indian currency in America ,as it has no meaning there,thus energy in the form of Photo Motive Force can not be utilized by our cell, the energy currency for our body is ATP.Refer to Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry.

Nothing is that complex as we see till now.Very simple logic indeed! Thus nature has reason behind everything existing.The primary source is energy that is needed by each and every system.

Now lets take another very simple thing that we all see around us .What you guys can think of?????
ENVIRONMENT !! yes that too plays vital role. Have you not seen that movie ? where identical twins in different environment behave differently?? yes that happens in real too.Many of us have infact seen that,let me tell you the occurrence of disease ,the effect ,time of occurrence, color complex etc in genetically identical twins differ just in case they have different environment.So it is very clear in spite of same genetic constituent two identical person can behave differently just because of difference in environment.

                                    "ENVIRONMENT + GENOTYPE = EVOLUTION "

You yourself can analyse the clear picture and simple logic.Thus environment too has vital role in how the organisms are made and its evolution.

Now we had new term that is evolution .WHAT IS EVOLUTION? . No you don't need to see Wikipedia for that ...just check your life when you started going school ,you always see for next class ,give exams to get promoted.Even those who are working,don't you work hard and creatively to get promoted to new post? The answer is YES WE ALL DO .Then why nature will be behind in this,yes evolution occurs and the way certainly is variations ,mutations and selection of fittest.In evolution ,fittest one is saved and unfit get extinct as many species has been extinct on the earth.
REFER TO THIS BOOK. and lets continue this in next post..


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