Along with environment ,genetic constituents are of vital importance ,that is clear from my last post. Genes are the basic of life and it follows from generations.When we say she got her mother's genes and he got her father's complexion .All we are talking about is inheritance . Characters whether good or bad are inherited from generation to generation.Heredity is passing on the genetic information over generations.

Two types of inheritance pattern are observed :

Autosomal Inheritance (Dominant and recessive )

X-linked  Inheritance (Dominant and recessive)

These both play a vital role in pedigree analysis of a particular disease that had been inherited through generations.Any gene except x chromosome are autosomal and x chromosomes are sex linked chromosome (that decides the gender).

 The Female is XX
 Male is XY

Any of the X out of XX chromosomes is involved from the female side.It is male who decides the gender of  the child , if X then daughter if  Y then son. This is very interesting and everyone who studies science knows it , but half of our country's population barely are aware of this fact. The situations are remarriages of males,female infanticide and many other worst situations. Only literacy and awareness can solve this issue and our present prime minister is working hard to make every girl child literate . We all know the slogan if a guy is literate ,he is literate ,but if girl gains education whole family is benefited.

Well lets get back to our topic genes genome and genotype. The difference is very little, but meaningful between these three words 

Gene is information that is carried through generation.
Genome is the whole genetic information of an organism.
Genotype is the allelic constituent of the gene that determines the phenotype

Phenotype is the physical characteristics that are visible (tall,dwarf,grey
,black etc).


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