Guys its been a while I got time to write a new post actually three years but there is positive point ,it added my experience of being assistant professor and teaching life-science, all seven different subjects in seven semesters .

So I have a lot of things to add up...

Life-science as you all know I started the topic as WE OURSELVES ARE MIRACLE ,MIRACLE THAT WE OFTEN NEGLECT.

How many of us like YOGA!!


There is one of the asanas or poses of yoga is "Savasana" where we are calmed relaxed and just focusing on our breathing yes breathing quite common??

Image result for savasana

Breathing that we usually do but we never notice , How to we breathe or respire?

Normally if I ask my students they will say Mam we take oxygen in and exhale carbon dioxide out thats respiration ..not a big deal.

Image result for how do we respire

If I ask them Does Plant respire? Is it a living thing? ahhh brain my brain that connects me to a hindi story i read in my childhood "money plant bana gawaah" (money plant as testimony for murder case).

Surprisingly things connects but questions in our mind can only be resolved through these connections .

Image result for breathing in plants and animals

Respiration again connects to the need of animal to inhale oxygen that is maintaining biological processes for survival  and need of plant to inhale carbon dioxide that is photosynthesis as we all know plants are autotrophs (that can make there own food). Remember make not cook !!!

Obviously there is difference.

Image result for flow chart of breathing process

This is the general and very basic depiction of biochemical reaction in human or animal body that is result of respiration or normal breathing we are talking about .

Respiration is further  followed by Krebs cycle and electron transport chain providing energy and cells respiration .

Further these topics will be discussed in detail

Last but not the least the trend is in news ..people wearing air masks and air purifiers  ..pollution hampering the breathing processes can result in serious damage of health and life.

Watch out for the same and avoid the circumstances that can result in air pollution.


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